Thursday, March 02, 2006

3/2/06 Frustrations, Stress & AD Resources

This Morning's CD: The Platters Greatest Hits Getting words mixed up or your mind going blank in the middle of a sentence can be embarrassing. It can cause a lot of stress in the work place. Today was a good day as far as speaking goes it was a trouble free day. But not all days are like that and I worry about it getting worse. I also worry about taking on another task my boss wants me to do which involves facilitating groups. Making a fool out of myself is not something I look forward to. Other than that it was an okay day. Another thing that happened today is I finished the crossword puzzle I started last Sunday. It took 5 days to do it, spending 30 minutes a day on it, but I got it done and didn't cheat either! It's a great brain exercise and I'm going to keep doing them. Knowing where to turn for information for patients,friends,family and care givers is important. Here are some great and informative sites I found on the web. But if you get confused looking at studies and get 15 different answers to your questions don't be surprised. Having early onset AD, I want to know about how long I can expect to function at the level I'm at now. The truth of the matter is that nobody knows. Different research studies have yielded different results and no two brains or individuals are alike. Everybody is different. Yes, it's maddening, but taking one day at a time is important. I try not to project into the future and also find diversionary activities effective. Anyway, here are I few resources I have found useful over the past week: Alzheimer's Foundation Hotline: 1-800-866-8484 Gordon

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