Saturday, September 22, 2007 & History of General BetrayUs

This picture is of the thousands of demonstrators attending the End the War Rally in front of the U.S. Capitol on September 15th. I was unable to attend this one. But I can tell you from my attendance at the one last March that MANY of these folks are members of
* was created in 1996. Back then it was considered a left wing whacko, fringe organization. That was then. The picture above represents now. Americans are in a different place now than in 1996.
* has filled a void for the thousands of Americans who are against this horrible war. It's provided away for the thousands of Americans who want this war to end to express their demand that this war end.
* This morning I got an email from a veteran asking me to consider joining and to please make a small donation. I wrote back and thanked him for asking me to join. Larry and me have actually been members since 2003 and have participated in just about all of the action alerts we've been asked to participate in.
Then came the General Betrayus ad on TV. I liked the ad and didn't this it was at all offensive. Why not? For four or five days before General Petraeus came to give his report on the war to Congress, I heard over and over on all of the major news networks that General Petraeus was being briefed for his testimony at the White House. So what were we supposed to think?
In his opening statement to congress, the General said that "these are my own words." He went on to say that nobody at the white house had any influence on what he had to say and that the white house didn't know what was in his report. Well, if anybody believes that, they've got to be crazy!
To me, General Petraeus turned his back on being an honorable General looking out for his troops and became a political hack.
Admiral William Fallon is the Commander of Central Command. It's wll known that he and General Petraeus have had multiple arguments over the prosecution of this war. I challenge my readers to google Admrial William Fallon and read what he has to say.
* In the past, Cent Com Commanders have been expected testify before congress before. Why was it different this time? It was different this time because Admiral Fallon wasn't going to tow the white house line. The dude's been muzzled. Other generals who spoke out about the way this war is going got their retirement papers.
I've emailed Congressman Wexler and Senators Nelson and Martinez to ask why Admiral Fallon was never called to testify before the house or senate. I also requested that he be subpoened to to try to keep the white house from forbidding him to do so . Bush and Cheney to not what the Admiral explaining why he wants the troops to start coming home immediately.
* did not coin the name, "General BetrayUs." If one does a google search of "General Betrayus," many entries will be found going back long before the ad. In her blog entry dated January 10, 2007, Sandy Levinson wrote:

"Incidentally, I offer the following sidenote about General Petraeus, by almost all accounts an enormously accomplished man: A student of mine at the UT Law School, who had had combat experience in both Afghanistan and Iraq, referred to him as "General Betrayus" because of what was thought to be his inordinate interest in good publicity (and presumed self-promotion) rather than concern for his troops. I have no idea whether this is fair, but I do know that this is what my sober and thoughtful student told me."

---------------------------------------------------- was not the first to refer to the General as General BetrayUs. I'm proud to be a member. Gordon

Archbishop Rowan Williams: The Voice of the Ages

Father Paul Woodrum, Episcopal Priest and designer of magnificent vestments (Challwood Studios, Brooklyn, NYC), sent something this morning which was waiting for me in my email. I thought it was worth sharing. Thanks to Father Paul for giving me permission to share it. Gordon

1st Century: -- Certainly Gentiles have a place in the church as do all the baptized. The debate is currently about the appropriate limits of pastoral care and the place Gentiles may hold in the offices of the church. The question is how far the traditional theology of the church lets us move in that direction.


7th Century: -- Certainly followers of Augustine have a place in the church as do all the baptized. The debate is currently about not only the date of Easter, but the appropriate limits of pastoral care and the place followers of Rome may hold in the offices of the church. The question is how far the Celtic tradition of the church lets us move in that direction.


12th Century:-- Certainly Anglo-Saxon people have a place in the church as do all the baptized. The debate is currently about the appropriate limits of pastoral care and the place Anglo-Saxon people may hold in the offices of the church. The question is how far Norman church tradition lets us move in that direction.


16th Century:-- Certainly recusants and dissenters have a place in the church as do all the baptized. The debate is currently about the appropriate limits of pastoral care and the place recusants and dissenters may hold in the offices of the church. The question is how far the Established Church and Crown lets us move in that direction.


18th Century:-- Certainly colonials have a place in the church as do all the baptized. The debate is currently about the appropriate limits of pastoral care and the place colonials may hold in the offices of the church. The question is how far Parliament lets us move in that direction.


19th Century:-- Certainly slaves throughout the Empire have a place in the church as do all the baptized. The debate is currently about the appropriate limits of pastoral care and the place slaves may hold in the offices of the church. The question is how far slave owners let us move in that direction.


1900 - 1960's:--Certainly African Americans have a place in the church as do all the baptized. The debate is currently about the appropriate limits of pastoral care and the place African Americans may hold in the offices of the church. The question is how far white American tradition lets us move in that direction.


1970's --Certainly women have a place in the church as do all the baptized. The debate is currently about the appropriate limits of pastoral care and the place women may hold in offices of the church. The question is how far the traditional patriarchial theology of the church lets us move in that direction.


21st Century:--Certainly gay and lesbian people have a place in the church as do all the baptized. The debate is currently about the appropriate limits of pastoral care and the place gay and lesbian people may hold in the offices of the church. The question is how far the traditional theology of the church lets us move in that direction." (The Most Reverend and Right Honorable Rowan Williams, Archbishop of Canterbury, 21 September AD 2007, New Orleans, LA, USA)

I liked this picture of Dr. Rowan Williams, Archibishop of Canterbury and the Presiding Bishop of The Episcopal Church, Rev. Dr Katharine Jefferts Schori.
BTW, I highly recommend our Presiding Bishop's book, A Wing and a Prayer. It's WONDERFUL! Through a series of stories, the complexities of TEC are easily explained. This book really explains what makes Anglicans tick, why we try so hard to remain together when other denominations would call it quits and split years ago. It explains why TEC faces the challenges it does and challenges Episcopalians to further explore the challenges in our faith on an individual and corporate manner.
Below is an AP story/update of the House of Bishops meeting in New Orleans
September 21, 2007
NEW ORLEANS (AP) -- The archbishop of Canterbury indicated Friday that the Episcopal Church isn't on the brink of losing its place in the world Anglican fellowship, despite the uproar over Episcopal support for gay clergy.

Anglican leaders, called primates, had set a Sept. 30 deadline for the Americans to pledge unequivocally not to consecrate another gay bishop or approve an official prayer service for gay couples. Episcopal bishops have dedicated their meeting here to crafting a response. But after two days of private talks with Episcopal leaders, Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams, the Anglican spiritual leader, said ''there is no ultimatum involved.'' The goal, he said, is ''compromise.'' ''It's been presented sadly as a set of demands,'' Williams said in a news conference before he left. ''I don't think that what was in the primates' minds. In fact, I'm sure it isn't.'' The Episcopal Church is the Anglican body in the United States and has a more liberal view of Scripture than most Anglicans overseas. Tensions over Bible interpretation erupted in 2003, when Episcopalians consecrated the first openly gay bishop, V. Gene Robinson of New Hampshire. Over the past four years, Anglican leaders have held emergency summits and private negotiations, trying to prevent differences over homosexuality from shattering the Anglican Communion. The most recent international conference was held in February in Tanzania, where Anglican leaders called for the Americans to roll back their support for gays. ''This has consequences for the full participation of the church in the life of the communion,'' the primates said, in the document they approved in Africa. Williams acknowledged that ''some primates would give a more robust interpretation of the demands, some less.'' But the archbishop said the Sept. 30 date was chosen simply to coincide with the meeting this month of the Episcopal House of Bishops. Bishop Stacy Sauls of Lexington, Ky., said that Williams and Australian Archbishop Phillip Aspinall, among the Anglican representatives who participated in the New Orleans meeting, said ''we had misread the communique'' and ''expressed a sense of regret'' over how it was written. Still, there were moments of tension in the closed-door discussions. Bishops have said that Williams pressed them to make some concessions for the sake of Anglican unity. As bishops took turns addressing Williams, Robinson said he found some of the archbishop's comments on the decision before the church ''dehumanizing'' to gays and lesbians. In an interview Friday, Robinson said he had told Williams respectfully ''what was on my mind and on my heart.'' ''I have always held the archbishop of Canterbury in high regard and I will continue to do so,'' Robinson said. Egypt Bishop Mouneer Anis told the bishops that their decision to consecrate Robinson created ''one of the most difficult disputes in the communion in our generation'' and that some ''think you are a different religion.'' ''If you appreciate being members of the global Anglican family, then you have to walk alongside the members of your family,'' Anis said, according to a text of his remarks that was circulated. Yet no one expects Episcopal leaders to completely reverse course. Theological conservatives are a minority in the denomination and some wish to stay in the church. Williams will work with Anglican leaders and with members of the Anglican Consultative Council, an international lay-clergy panel, in evaluating whatever statement Episcopal bishops make before they end their gathering Tuesday. Pittsburgh Bishop Robert Duncan, head of a network of conservative Episcopal dioceses and parishes that are considering splitting from the Episcopal Church, said that Williams is ''de-emphasizing the ultimatum piece to try to get the best results'' from American leaders. ''A great number of the primates see that deadline very much as a real deadline,'' Duncan said, ''just as many of us had.'' -------- On the Net: Episcopal Church: Anglican Communion:

TEC FALL House of Bishops Meeting in NOLA

The House of Bishops invited the Archbishop of Canterbury to this year's fall meeting. The HOB meets twice a year. Of course the Archbishop brought his entourage along. This year's fall meeting was in NOLA. Having had a particularly difficult week at work I was coming home and taking naps after hurriedly reading my email. So trying to make up for my lapses, I've compiled some of the news coverage today. Gordon
The Times-Picayune
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
N.O. becomes the accidental backdrop for a high-stakes meeting to save the world's Anglican communion
By Bruce Nolan Staff writer
The archbishop of Canterbury, the head of the worldwide Anglican Communion, arrives in New Orleans today hoping to find a way to keep the world's third-largest Christian church from breaking up in a global clash over homosexuality
The Most Rev. Rowan Williams will meet with about 160 Episcopal bishops from around the United States, and key primates or heads of Anglican churches from other countries, in talks Thursday and Friday at the Hotel InterContinental. His mission is to find a way to avert a rift between the 2.4-million-member Episcopal Church (USA) and more conservative Anglican churches in 37 other geographic provinces. Many of their leaders believe the Episcopal church has broken faith with Christianity by supporting same-sex unions and ordaining gay bishops and other clergy. The Anglican Communion numbers 70 million members; in Christianity only the Roman Catholic and Orthodox churches are larger. In other times, the five-day meeting might have been a routine, semiannual gathering of the church's House of Bishops to study together, socialize and conduct church business. But the affliction Hurricane Katrina spread across the region gives the meeting an additional gloss: Bishops said they wanted to visit New Orleans to support the city and inspect the work of the Episcopal church's Jericho Road housing initiative and other Episcopal relief projects. Bishop Charles Jenkins of the Diocese of Louisiana asked each to bring a gift of $10,000 to be divided between Louisiana and Mississippi. Many will, he said Tuesday -- and Bishop Mark Lawrence of South Carolina has pledged to arrive with a gift of $100,000, Jenkins said. He said the bishops probably will bring gifts totaling more than $1 million. A growing separation But the meeting has taken on even greater significance for the Anglican Communion, which for 30 years has been under steadily increasing strain over the Episcopal church's acceptance of same-sex unions and gay bishops who live with partners. For Anglicans here and abroad it tests the very definition of what it means to be an Anglican. Worldwide, 37 autonomous Anglican churches are linked to the Church of England in a voluntary communion of shared traditions, theology and mission. The archbishop of Canterbury is the spiritual head of the communion, first among equals by consent of the other primates. The overseas primates, led by powerful African clergy such as Archbishop Peter Akinola of Nigeria, are pressuring Williams to declare that because of its nontraditional view of homosexuality, the Episcopal church is no longer a full member of the Anglican Communion. Williams has resisted for the sake of unity. He has engaged all sides in constant negotiations, hoping to appeal to the church's common legacy in dealing with the dispute. Deadline is Sept. 30 The latest crisis stems from a meeting in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, last spring, where Anglican primates from around the world demanded that the Episcopal church declare it would not authorize same-sex unions and would ordain no more partnered gay clergy after the 2003 ordination of Bishop Gene Robinson of New Hampshire. The primates also suggested the creation of an alternative leadership structure inside the Episcopal church to provide spiritual care for dismayed conservative Episcopalians. The primates demanded a reply by Sept. 30, giving the New Orleans meeting a sudden, unexpected prominence. A few weeks later, Episcopal bishops rejected the proposals and asked Williams to come to the New Orleans meeting. American bishops on both sides of the sexuality question seemed to form a strong consensus against the foreign primates' proposal to create their own leadership structures inside the American church, an idea widely viewed as a violation of each church's autonomy. In recent months, however, to the dismay of Williams and most Episcopal bishops, Akinola and other African bishops have begun ordaining their own new conservative American bishops inside the Episcopal church, effectively creating an embryonic structure for conservatives under their own oversight. The bishops' schedule calls for closed-door meetings with Williams all day Thursday and Friday morning. First among the Episcopal bishops will be Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori, a defender of faithful gays and lesbians, who was elected last summer. Representatives of overseas primates demanding change also will sit in on the talks, according to a schedule the church released. "It seems now the way it's going to work is they're going to have to go home and digest what they've heard" before declaring their response to whatever the Americans put forward, Jenkins said. Hoping to avoid a split Few observers expect the Episcopal bishops to retreat from their steady course of the past 30 years. "We expect the House of Bishops will continue the direction they've already set," said Peter Frank, a spokesman for the Anglican Communion Network, a fellowship of nine conservative dioceses and 650 to 700 congregations. He said conservative bishops will leave the New Orleans meeting when Williams leaves. The meeting is scheduled to continue until Tuesday. Jenkins said he and 10 co-signers will offer a resolution that tracks the overseas primates' wishes: banning same-sex rites, ending ordination of gay bishops, and establishing some kind of alternative Episcopal leadership for conservative congregations. But he said his highest priority is to hold the communion together even with its divisions. "The most devastating thing, and the thing I do not want to see happen, is that there becomes two Anglican communions in North America," he said. "It is a sickness unto death. If we claim to be a catholic body, this is a temptation to which we cannot give in. "On a more pragmatic level, those who will be hurt the most by this are the poor," he said. "We are involved heavily around the world in ministries of relief and development. And I don't think we have the luxury of giving in to our self-absorption on this issue, and taking that energy and those resources away from the poor." He said he and other bishops have informally discussed new forms of keeping conservatives and liberals inside the church. He said two models might take off on slight measures of diversity in Roman Catholicism: one in which religious orders with their own governance run certain Catholic parishes, and another in which Eastern-rite Catholics conduct their own forms of worship and governance while remaining in full communion with Rome. Neither of those models, however, contains theological differences as great as those dividing the Anglican Communion. Some diocesan Web sites this week carried an unconfirmed report from The Living Church, an independent Episcopal publication, reporting that Jefferts Schori would propose to the House of Bishops that she appoint an alternative leadership structure for conservatives, as the overseas primates proposed -- but the appointments would be hers, not theirs. That idea already has reportedly drawn opposition. The publication said Fort Worth Bishop Jack Iker, a conservative leader, said conservatives would not accept pastoral oversight from the "unilateral dictates" of Jefferts Schori. . . . . . . .