Saturday, September 22, 2007 & History of General BetrayUs

This picture is of the thousands of demonstrators attending the End the War Rally in front of the U.S. Capitol on September 15th. I was unable to attend this one. But I can tell you from my attendance at the one last March that MANY of these folks are members of
* was created in 1996. Back then it was considered a left wing whacko, fringe organization. That was then. The picture above represents now. Americans are in a different place now than in 1996.
* has filled a void for the thousands of Americans who are against this horrible war. It's provided away for the thousands of Americans who want this war to end to express their demand that this war end.
* This morning I got an email from a veteran asking me to consider joining and to please make a small donation. I wrote back and thanked him for asking me to join. Larry and me have actually been members since 2003 and have participated in just about all of the action alerts we've been asked to participate in.
Then came the General Betrayus ad on TV. I liked the ad and didn't this it was at all offensive. Why not? For four or five days before General Petraeus came to give his report on the war to Congress, I heard over and over on all of the major news networks that General Petraeus was being briefed for his testimony at the White House. So what were we supposed to think?
In his opening statement to congress, the General said that "these are my own words." He went on to say that nobody at the white house had any influence on what he had to say and that the white house didn't know what was in his report. Well, if anybody believes that, they've got to be crazy!
To me, General Petraeus turned his back on being an honorable General looking out for his troops and became a political hack.
Admiral William Fallon is the Commander of Central Command. It's wll known that he and General Petraeus have had multiple arguments over the prosecution of this war. I challenge my readers to google Admrial William Fallon and read what he has to say.
* In the past, Cent Com Commanders have been expected testify before congress before. Why was it different this time? It was different this time because Admiral Fallon wasn't going to tow the white house line. The dude's been muzzled. Other generals who spoke out about the way this war is going got their retirement papers.
I've emailed Congressman Wexler and Senators Nelson and Martinez to ask why Admiral Fallon was never called to testify before the house or senate. I also requested that he be subpoened to to try to keep the white house from forbidding him to do so . Bush and Cheney to not what the Admiral explaining why he wants the troops to start coming home immediately.
* did not coin the name, "General BetrayUs." If one does a google search of "General Betrayus," many entries will be found going back long before the ad. In her blog entry dated January 10, 2007, Sandy Levinson wrote:

"Incidentally, I offer the following sidenote about General Petraeus, by almost all accounts an enormously accomplished man: A student of mine at the UT Law School, who had had combat experience in both Afghanistan and Iraq, referred to him as "General Betrayus" because of what was thought to be his inordinate interest in good publicity (and presumed self-promotion) rather than concern for his troops. I have no idea whether this is fair, but I do know that this is what my sober and thoughtful student told me."

---------------------------------------------------- was not the first to refer to the General as General BetrayUs. I'm proud to be a member. Gordon

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great blog, Gordon. I appreciate you sharing your journey and your thoughts with the rest of us (me).

I couldn't get mad at either over the ad. My dad was an Air Force Colonel and I am well aware of how political the generalships start being.