Saturday, January 27, 2007

Saying Goodbye to Pastor Jeannie Part I

21 of January, 2007 was Pastor Jeannie Martz's last Sunday at St. Mark's Episcopal Church, Palm Beach Gardens, FL. I took my camera to church, but had a lot of difficulty taking pictures because my hand wasn't very steady and they were looking pretty blurred through the view finder. Rev. Jeannie's last words in her sermon were "a time to reap, a time to sow and a time to go," at which point I was trying to get the pictures through a sea of tears. Immediately when Jeannie said those words the congregation lept to their feet and applauded. Their wasn't a dry eye in the church.
It was also a time of healing, of coming together and having to accept the fact that it's been 3 years since we've had a full time Rector. Jannie had been Associate Rector at St. Mark's for 13 years. And the rules of TEC say that the Associate cannot become full time Rector in the same church as Associate. It was a hard pill to swallow for many of us. Father Cook comes to us from Minnesota in mid-February and we look forward to his arrival and wish Rev. Jeannie the best.
Later in the day, we had Rev. Jeannie's farewell party, "Come to the Islands, Mon" was the theme of the party. It was the best party in the 10 years I've been a member of St. Mark's. Rev. Jeannie left with some wonderful gifts including our cash gift of $13, 500. Yeah you get the point. We love her and everybody wanted to contribute something.

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