Sunday, July 22, 2007

Rest In Peace Tammy Faye

It was hard watching Tammy Faye on Larry King Live Thursday night. She weighted 65 Lbs. But in spite of her emaciation, she was all made up in true Tammy Faye fashion with a bright red dress on.
But listening to her story about her faith and love was an inspiration.
Tammy Faye was as one of the few evangelical Christians (heck, I think the only one I ever heard of ) who had the support of the gay community. She was one of the first televangelists to reach out to those with AIDS when it was a little-known and much-feared disease. She had an MCC pastor on PTL...probably much to the horror of Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson. On Larry King Live Thursday night a gay man called in and asked Tammy Faye why she cared for the gay community so much and she replied,
"When I went -- when we lost everything, it was the gay people that came to my rescue, and I will always love them for that."
Tammy Faye passed away the next morning. She is at peace and now, healed from the cancer that took her life.

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