Saturday, November 10, 2007

St. Andrew's Lake Worth at Episcopal Convention, Miami

Top Picture:  Rev. Pat Masterman, Deacon, Laurel, Brenda Rasmus, Michael, Father Paul Rasmus.
Bottom: Michael, Laurel and Deacon Pat.
St. Andrew's Episcopal Church, Lake Worth is Larry's home church. It's also the headquarters of Integrity of the Palm Beaches.  During the height of the uproar from angry neo-cons at St. Mark's over the consecration of Bishop Robinson, I found myself in a nervous, anxious state. Some of those folks were plain mean (ask former rector, Father Robb!).  I took a break from St. Mark's for about a year and went to St. Andrew's.  When the angry people finally decided to stop trying to destroy our church and leave, St. Mark's calmed down and I returned.
I appreciate our Integrity leadership, especially Dr. Ben Lowe and Father Paul who put forth a resolution at the convention last weekend,  supporting full inclusion for gay folks.  The convention pretty much decided that the issue should be addressed by General Convention in 2009.  It's a game. In the 70's, the Episcopal Church started saying that we are going to talk and discern the gay issue.  Then they realized that if we keep talking and keep discerning, nothing has to be decided and they can keep stalling and telling us that "we love you and we're going to keep talking." That appeases those who don't support gay inclusion and let's the gay folk to continue being second class members and reminds us that it will talked about ONLY, but to please sit down, shut up.  Thirty years later we continue to be told to sit down, shut up and just listen as we continue to talk and discern so we can keep you in your place: not fully entitled to the same baptismal gifts as the other member's of God's body.
So the Episcopal Church continues to bless animals.  Larry and I celebrated our 20th anniversary on Sept 3rd. The church says encourages to bring their animals for a blessing on St. Francis Day, while Larry and me are to sit down, shut up and our told by The Episcopal church," No, you are not entitled to come to the alter for a blessing.  We're going to listen to you, but we won't bless your relationship. What do you want us to do? What do you expect? We are listening to you. We will continue to listen to you and continue to discern and nothing more." 
And that's my rant for the day.

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